

0.3, on Medick future

I’ve got some emails in the last days (like 2) from people asking about medick future.

They noticed that I was some how “on Rails” in the last weeks.

So I have decided to answer online on this question:

The development on medick is not closed and the medick project is not dead!

It’s just that I needed a brake from evil PHP way of doing things.

After 4 years of coding where almost 90% from my time went to PHP, the only chance for me to evolve as a programmer is to look from time to time to other programming languages.

Ruby is too cool to be ignored, starting with the community that they have, the release process that they are using and the super tools that you get in the same package as ruby it self.

Rails is the killer application for ruby. They are not advertising only a rapid development web framework, they are promoting best practices.

Back to medick, I have a lot of nice ideas for the future, I even try to implement some of those without committing them to repository.

For sure, major changes will be introduced starting with version 0.3:

Anyway, I cannot estimate now a relase date for version 0.3, I cannot even say if the development on 0.2.x is closed, but stay tuned, I will let anyone know when I will add new features to the framework and how to use them.

On the other side, my rails pet project, marks – http://marks.29dots.com is the first item on my todo list. If you don’t get it, “I’d rather be on rails (™)”.