

Committed revision 1

I have migrated WSM from CVS to Subversion today, basically re-imported the sources into the new repository since I’m more comfortable with svn.

Because I’m a linux user now, the development on WSM is somehow discontinued.

The good news is that I have found a great OS emulator, qemu , installed windows XP as a guest OS on my computer, the free microsoft compiler and now I’m ready to code on WSM.

My TODO list:

Don’t know when I can finish this list, but if you can help me with:

please, do contact me.

In return, you can add a new line in your resume:

I did task X for a nice open-source project, WSM

or you can add your name on the credits, or you can just learn something new.

WSM (Windows Service Management) is a great PHP extension (not published with pecl) witch provides a nice OO API that will help you to control windows services (start/stop, create/remove, query) from php.

Update 10.April.2006

The sync was made on the berlios servers and the subversion service is available. Checkout the code with:

svn checkout svn://svn.berlios.de/wsm

“More info on how to get WSM source from berlios svn ":http://developer.berlios.de/svn/?group_id=2873.

on WSM future: